Monday, April 6, 2009

Motivational Monday

Spend Time Together as a Family
One of my favorite things to do is spend time with my kids and husband doing fun things. We love to go for walks, hikes, explore, and many other things. I thought I would talk about just spending time together. Today with the way the economy is going we are just trying to find things to do together that does not cost money. This past week was spring break and we wanted to spend a family day together, so friday we went to The Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. We packed a picnic lunch. It did cost gas to get there, but not too much. The Garden of the Gods is free to the public and it is AWESOME. We enjoyed our picnic first, the the visitor center and then we drove the loop and last we went for a FUN hike. I got some great pictures that I will post soon. We love being together talking, having fun, and laughing together. We also spent some time with extended family this weekend and enjoyed General Conference together, played together, and enjoyed good food together. Just being TOGETHER is the fun part. Some other things we love to do together are:
Playing apples to apples
Singing to the radio
Dancing to the radio and cd's
Cleaning together- just try to make it fun. We like to race together to see who can get done first. Or turn the radio or your favorite CD up and dance while you clean. The time will fly by....
Look at our family pictures
Go to school activites
Go out for a ice cream
Go for a drive- we have seen some beautiful country together in every place we have gone just by going on drives
Cooking and Baking
Watching movies
This is just some of the FUN things we enjoy. I love being with my husband and kids, extended family, and friends. It is fun to get to know each other better and visit and have fun together. My girls enjoy playing with their cousins and friends. So make the time to spend together and enjoy being TOGETHER!!! I hope everyone enjoys their week and has a HAPPY EASTER!

1 comment:

all about the girls said...

Hope you had a great Easter! Missing you, Dawn!